The Value of a Party

The Value of a Party

Margaret Sloat

As a professional fundraising event planner turned stay-at-home-mom, it's possible that I went a little overboard on my kids' early birthday parties. I approached them with all my project management skills, spreadsheets, and vendor lists. I relished inviting the entire class, turning my house into a (fill in the blank: circus tent, astronaut training camp, mad scientist lab, etc.), having the perfect party favors, and engaging every single child. And the parties were wildly successful! Kids loved them! Parents loved them! And most importantly... my own kids loved them. They loved helping me to plan them, set them up, and every single second of whatever we had planned. (Full disclosure... they did not love cleaning up, but that was not unique to party hosting!)

Margaret wearing a pony mask reading the magical rules of the pony hint hunt to a group of delighted partygoers.

But at the end of these parties, I would also inevitably have a conversation with a parent who would say, "I wish I could host an old-fashioned party like this in my home, but it's too much work! I don't have time to scour Pinterest for ideas, run to 12 stores, and figure out all the details." Having this conversation over and over, year after year, forced me to try to figure out what people even meant by the phrase, "old-fashioned party." My mom and grandmother certainly never scoured Pinterest for ideas or sourced party goods from London for my parties growing up. And yet, it has become rare to invite kids to come celebrate your child's birthday, in your home, and to commit to making it engaging and fun, instead of chaotic or generic.

Because Elizabeth and I have been friends since before we married our husbands or had kids, we've both been to each other's kids' birthday parties for years. We have obsessed late into the night about breaking down each aspect of the events that worked well, and what didn't. Ultimately, we figured out that the things that work do so because they are an expression of the values we hold about hospitality, childhood, and celebrations. Once we figured out what those values were, everything clicked into place. 

And now, we've taken all of those late night chats and boxed them up into Streamer Trunks, so that you can also host a party that is:


There's nothing quite like a kid who is INTO dinosaurs. I love taking something that my kids are passionate about and helping them to share it with their friends. Picking a birthday party theme in our house is a weeks long process of elimination and research, but it always ends with my kids excited to convert their friends into fanatics of whatever is currently capturing their imagination. At Streamer Trunk, we closely follow what kids are interested in and we are always adding more themes to help you tap into what your child is passionate about, so they can share it with their peers.


While we are always ALL IN on a theme, that doesn't mean everything related to that theme is good. Unicorns, in particular, seem to suffer this fate a lot. Unicorns in Space? No, thank you. Streamer Trunk wades through the generic decorations, games, crafts, and table service to find the highest quality ideas and products, so you don't have to.

Welcoming and Inclusive

Some guests are jazzed for a party, but a lot of kids will need a minute to get their bearings before they are willing to talk like a pirate in front of their classmates. If this is their first time in your house, or they have learning or physical disabilities that might otherwise make it hard for them to participate in other parties, kids need time to warm up, ease into a setting, and figure out how to best participate. Streamer Trunk parties always start with an easy activity for kids to complete independently as a warm up and introduction to the theme. 


From the second guests arrive, they enter a different world that immerses them in a story. Decorations are, of course, part of setting the stage, but each part of a Streamer Trunk party is designed to keep kids engaged while facing a challenge, overcoming obstacles, and, ultimately, triumphing together. Collect rocks from the moon for a scientific study? Check!


No parent needs another think-piece about the importance of play to early childhood development. We get it—play is vital to developing our children emotionally, socially, physically, and cognitively. But we do need help making it happen in a world where screens are everywhere and being passively entertained is the norm for kids. All Streamer Trunks include books, props, toys, and games that will light a spark in your child and their guests. Our guidebooks include tips for engaging kids and helping them expand the world into which you have invited them. And you get to keep all of these items after the party is over, so that your child can continue and extend their imaginative play.


In the impeccably edited world we currently live in, hosting people in your home is an intimate and vulnerable act. More than anything, guests should feel like they have gotten to know you, the birthday child, and your family better through coming to your celebration. Streamer Trunk takes care of all the party details so that you can genuinely enjoy your child's party, making memories with them, and hosting people in your home.

As we've been launching this company, I confess that I have times thought and even said, "I mean, it's just kids' birthday parties. It's not rocket science or curing cancer." And I stand by that! But celebrating milestones, supporting your child's passions, creating connections with other kids and parents, and making childhood memories that last long after the last candle has been blown out, is beautiful and amazing. Streamer Trunk is here to deliver that experience for you.

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